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Quarterly Meeting September 2024

David J Weatherby | Published on 9/17/2024
HR&GC Quarterly Meeting – September 10, 2024
Great weather and great food made for an excellent quarterly meeting on September 10, 2024. Captain Don prepared his usual excellent BBQ with assistance from Steve Post, Peter Eaton and Christopher Levin. Dave Weatherby made spice cake and chocolate chip cookies. If you left the meeting hungry, it was your own fault! There were forty members at the meeting.
Following supper, Greg McLaughlin in his role as newly elected President, introduced Jim Clemence as President Emeritus, following his designation as such at the June 2024 annual meeting, and the Board of Directors. Jim Clemence then led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance and opening prayer.
Greg thanked Captain Don and the BBQ crew for an excellent meal. He also thanked Steve Post for his generous donation of new kitchen appliances and associated installation work.
Greg also acknowledged the donation by Dave Hirsch of the new camera equipment and thanked the crew who recently installed them. Kudos to Paul Amstadt, Wes Davis, Ben Tweedie, Dan Jeffs, and others . Dave Hirsch also donated several bayonets to the club and one was placed into the raffle drawing which was held later in the meeting.
Greg welcomed and acknowledged new members, Harvey Bagley, Jason Bukowski, and Ron Benedict.
Greg next commented on the gate policy. Because of several recent incidents involving club security, he determined that the gate must remain locked at all times. The club installed cameras to enhance security and safety but leaving the gate open for extended periods undermines this effort. However, Greg explained an initiative to convert the existing gate to an electronically operated gate. The clubs hopes to speed up the installation of this project to make access to the club easier for all members.
As Brad Louth, treasurer, was away, Greg gave the finances report. The club has $89k in CD savings accounts and $7k in checking. All known bills have been paid including club insurance. `
Dave Michno reported we have 230 members. Dave Weatherby reported he sent the NRA HQ all NRA membership renewals. He will follow up on cards/magazines.
Ben Tweedie thanked all who helped with the camera installation and he explained the set up. The purpose is to protect members and club property. The system is working and recording 24/7. DVR storage is approximately 4 weeks. It’s a rolling system so that dates older than 30 days are erased. When there is motion, the cameras time stamp the activity. Cameras record people, animals, and vehicles entering the property. The system is not connected to the cloud. Audio is not being recorded. We can add more storage and also backup what has been recorded but additional equipment is needed for that. Signs will be posted stating members and guests may be recorded for both video and audio.
Greg said the Board of Directors (BOD) will soon discuss the upgrade to the gate. We have a member who can program the gate for electronic entry. We’ll need a motor and a few of the components. Regarding a permanent gate, there are a number of factors that have to be resolved with the abutting property owner which is still in probate.
Dave Michno reported there have been no new developments since the club submitted its Remedial Action Plan (RAP) in February 2024. The club currently owes DES nothing financially. In October, we will need a work party to establish a path toward the Little River to enable Exeter Environmental to conduct soil testing in the wetlands areas in November per DES guidance.
Dave Weatherby addressed 4 matters that may require bylaw amendments. These are appointment of alternates to the BOD, stating an age for membership eligibility, security matters, and the requirement for spousal members to range qualify. These items will be discussed at the next BOD meeting. BOD meetings will be announced by CE email and they are open to membership unless the BOD goes into executive session (rarely happens).
Dave Michno and Brian Millette, Vice President, talked about the upcoming Flea Market on Saturday, Sept. 21. The club used to do this and it’s being revived since it’s a good way to get members to come to the club, meet others, and pick up items you need. Think of the junk you can get rid of! Open to members and their guests.
Ben Tweedie discussed the club’s new Facebook page. It is private for members only and not visible to the public. So far about 25 members have registered with Ben. We’ll be using it to announce events and users can communicate in real time with each other. Earlier set up problems have been fixed.
Greg talked about the vision going forward for the club. We are off to a good start, getting members involved in projects , getting 5-6 inquiries per week about joining, upgrading the kitchen, keeping up with range maintenance, etc. We need member inputs for ideas to keep the club attractive to new members. How do we survive 5-10 years from now? We have to stay relevant. There is a lot going on – DES, tech upgrades, and adjacent property. These are good ways to get involved.
Jim Irish acknowledged our new leadership, Greg and Brian, who have stepped up to keep the club moving forward. They need support from members. We have to be mindful of security in light of shootings in Georgia and Kentucky and be vigilant for people trying to gain access to the club. This is an election year and no one knows how people will act and react. We are all ambassadors of the club and should act accordingly. Jim mentioned we need to update guest indemnification/range rules to include a statement that guests may be video and audio recorded while on HRGC property.
Raffles were conducted and Jim Clemence won the bayonet. Ed Dudek won the 50/50 raffle. The club received $88 in donations from the containers placed on each table, $305 total from both raffles, and $200 from members. Many thanks to all who contributed!
Flea Market is Sept 21, at 9 AM.
Next quarterly meeting is January 14, 2025. Hope to see you then.
Jim Clemence closed the meeting with a prayer and the meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.